Speaking Engagements/Programs
(National and International)
Project SOMEONE (Social Media Education Every Day): Web 2.0: A Platform for Peace (not Hate), in collaboration with Concordia University, UNESCO Chair in Prevention of Radicalization and Violent Extremism, Public Safety Canada, and Global Affairs Canada, May - October, 2018, Beirut, Lebanon.
Understanding and preventing youth violence based on ideologies of hate: A review and analysis, in collaboration with Community Safety Knowledge Alliance and Ministry of Children and Youth Services, May 2017 - August 2018, Province of Ontario.
Development of a reintegration program with returning foreign fighters in Bosnia and Herzegovina, International Association of Chiefs of Police, June 17-November 11, 2016, Bosnia
"Case Study: Recognizing Vulnerabilities Associated with Violent Extremism" hosted by the Royal Ottawa Hospital, Culture and Psychiatry Seminar Series, June 6, 2016, Ottawa, ON
"Enhancing Resilience: Safeguarding our Children and Communities" hosted by the Ottawa Carleton District School Board, February 16, 2016, Ottawa, ON
"Averting Violent Extremism" hosted by Carleton University, Canadian Council of Muslim Women and InterculturalDialogue Institute, February 4-5, 2016, Ottawa, ON, Canada
"Violent Radicalization of Youth: Recognizing & Responding to Vulnerabilities" hosted by the Ottawa Carleton District School Board, December 9, 2015, Ottawa, ON, Canada
"Building Resilience Against Terrorism" at the Securetech Conference held by the Canadian Association of Defence and Security Industries (CADSI), November 26, 2015, Ottawa, ON.
"Violent Radicalization of Youth: Recognizing & Responding to Vulnerabilities" held with the Boys and Girls Club of Canada and Big Brothers and Big Sisters in a webinar across Canada, November 2015, Ottawa, ON, Canada
"Violent Radicalization of Youth: Recognizing & Responding to Vulnerabilities" held at the Royal Ottawa Hospital, October 22-23, 2015, Ottawa, ON, Canada
"PTSD in First Responders and the Link to Suicide: What can we do about it?" held at the University of Ottawa, September 16, 2015, Ottawa, ON, Canada
"The Stigma of Extremism: What scars do we bear as a society?", hosted by the University of the Streets Cafe, Concordia University, September 15, 2015, Montreal, QC, Canada
"Activism, Resilience and Resistance" held at City Hall by Canadian Council of Muslim Women, December 13, 2014, Ottawa, ON, Canada
"Vulnerabilities to Violence" held at the Extremism/Future of Community Partnership Symposium held by Toronto Police Services, November 22, 2014, Toronto, ON, Canada
"Strengthening Canadian Values as a Barrier to Extremism" at the Building on Citizenship, Building for Citizenship Symposium held by the Canadian Race Relations Foundation, November 18, 2014, Ottawa, ON, Canada
"Foreign Fighters - High Risk Case Management and Outreach Efforts" at the Quebec and Ontario Chiefs of Police and Partners meeting held at SQ Headquarters, November 13, 2014, Montreal, QC, Canada
Panelist on "Youth Crime and Radicalization Prevention" held by the Muslim Coordinating Council, November 8, 2014, Ottawa, ON, Canada
"Violent Extremism Risk Assessment" at the Canadian Association Chiefs of Police Counter Terrorism National Security Committee Meeting held at the RCMP National Headquarters, September 18, 2014, Ottawa, ON, Canada
"Radicalization in the Pre-Criminal Space" at the CSIS/RCMP Operational Workshop held at the Canadian Police College, June 6, 2014, Ottawa, ON, Canada
Discussant at the Preliminary Research Findings from Terrorism, Security and Society Sponsored Projects, May 30, 2014, Ottawa, ON, Canada
Keynote Speaker at "The Perception & Reality of 'Imported Conflict' in Canada" by The Mosaic Institute, March 17, 2014, Toronto, ON, Canada
"Recent Counter-terrorism Legislation Policies and Programs" at the Air India Families' Event by Public Safety Canada, February 22, 2014, Toronto, ON, Canada
"Engaging Families Through Effective Community Policing Strategies" at The Roles of Families and Communities in Strengthening Community Resilience Against Violent Extremism workshop by Hedayah and the Center on Global Counterterrorism, December 4-5, 2013, Abu Dhabi, UAE
"Security, Consciousness, Communication and Education" at the Identity, Security, Terrorism, and Counter-terrorism Conference by the Association for Canadian Studies, November 27, 2013, Gatineau, QC, Canada
"Promoting Cultural Change and Enhancing Gender Diversity" held by the Leadership Development Centre held at the Canadian Police College, October 7, 2013, Ottawa, ON, Canada
"Government vs Community Understanding of the Problem" at the 13th Meeting of the Policy Planners' Network on Countering Radicalization and Polarization by the Institute of Strategic Dialogue & the Danish Ministry of Social Affairs and Integration, June 18, 2013, Copenhagen, Denmark
"Internet Safety and Online Radicalization" at the Winnipeg Community Forum by the Islamic Social Services Association, June 14, 2013, Winnipeg, MB, Canada
Moderator for "Security Issues: Global and Local" at the Turning a New Leaf: Developments in Research and Policy on Terrorism & Counter-terrorism Symposium by the Canadian Network for Research on Terrorism, Security and Society, May 2-3, 2014, Ottawa, ON, Canada.
Guest Speaker at Law Day 2013 Program by the Canadian Bar Association, Ottawa, ON, Canada
"Violence Reduction and Community Engagement" at the Symposium on Measuring the Effectiveness of Counter Violent Extremism Programming by the Global Counterterrorism Forum & Public Safety Canada, March 27-28, 2013, Ottawa, ON, Canada
Moderator for "Community-Oriented Policing Practitioner's Exchange" at the Countering Violent Extremism Community-Oriented Policing Workshop by Global Counterterrorism Forum & United States Institute of Peace, March 22, 2013, Washington, D.C., USA
"Canadian Social and Legal Context" at the National Security Data Initiative - Establishing a Canadian Incident Database Workshop by Public Safety Canada, March 11-12, 2013, Ottawa, ON, Canada
"Towards an Holistic Approach to Societal Resilience for National Security and Counter-Terrorism" at the 15th National Conference entitled Building an Integrated Society by Metropolis and The Association for Canadian Studies, March 14-16, 2013, Ottawa, ON, Canada
"Canadian Resilience" at the 9th Annual Symposium by the Canadian Risk and Hazards Network, October 23-26, 2012, Vancouver, B.C., Canada
Participant at the "Kickoff Meeting for Domestic Radicalization" held by the National Institute of Justice, February 7-8, 2013, Washington, DC, USA
"Mental Health and Wellness" held by the Canadian Firearms Program Employee Advisory Committee Meeting, November 8, 2011, Regina, SK, Canada
"Access to Care/Operational Stress Injury" at the National HRO/EMRO/CDRO meeting held at the RCMP National Headquarters, September 27, 2011, Ottawa, ON, Canada
"Post-traumatic Stress Disorder" held by the Departmental Audit Committee Meeting at RCMP National Headquarters, September 14, 2011, Ottawa, ON, Canada